Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Who’s Your One?

Today we are going to go on a long walk to end up on a short pier!

If you were to gather a small group of people and ask them to give an account of a specific event that they experience their accounts would vary with their point of view. A doctor would notice different details than a fisherman. A tax collector would record different observations than a religious scholar.

Notice …

In Matthew, Mark and Luke we have varying accounts of Andrew and Peter come to follow Christ. Theologians say that there are actually two different stories. One relating to their first meeting and another referring to their call to ministry.

Either way the stories fit together and do not contradict each other.

Let’s use John’s account as our text today.

John 1:40-45  Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus.  41  The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ).  42  And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter).  43  The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, "Follow me."  44  Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida.  45  Philip found Nathanael and told him, "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."


I.                 Someone told someone about Jesus.

John 1:41-42  The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ).  42  And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter).

a.   … the first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him about Jesus

b.  … finding Phillip he said to him “Follow Me” … Phillip found Nathanael and told him … we have found… Jesus.


Nathan Lorick was a “Big Man On Campus” at his high school. Star athlete on the football team, popular.  Big partier on the weekends. He visited a church youth group on Wednesday night. The youth minister invited him to a disciple now one weekend. Nathan promised he would attend. Instead, he went partying. On Monday, the youth minister showed up at Nathans school at lunch time. He called Nathan out in front of his friends, “You lied to me!” Embarrassed Nathan asked, “What can I do to make up for it?”  The youth minister told him to come to youth group the following Wednesday. When Nathan showed up, he sat in the back where he normally sat. He heard many of the youth group that had attended the disciplenow talk about what God had done in their lives during the DN. The youth minister called him over and asked him to come into a side room. There on the wall were probably a hundred names. The youth group had been asked to write the names of their friends that they were praying from to come to Christ. Nathans name was listed about 15 times by friends that were praying he would come to Christ.

c.   Nathan was 15 people’s one.

d.  Perhaps someone sitting here this morning is someone’s one.

Ephesians 1:7-13  In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  8  that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding,  9  he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,  10  to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.  11  In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,  12  in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.  13  And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,


II.              Who told you about Jesus?


John 1:41-42  The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ).  42  And he brought him to Jesus.

a.  For me it was a girlfriend.

b.  For Peter it was his brother Andrew.

c.   For Nathaniel it was his friend Phillip.

d.  It may have been a stranger, more likely a friend, possibly a relative, a mother or father brother or sister. Possibly a grandparent.

e.  Someone loved you enough to tell you about Jesus!


Each year at the evangelism conference they recognize an individual that has committed their lives to leading people to accept Christ. They are given the Dr. Rot Fish award. Dr. Fish taught evangelism at Southwestern  seminary. This year’s winner was for the first time a woman who would ask everyone she met this question, “Has anyone loved you enough to tell you about Jesus?” Then she would share Jesus with them.


Matthew 22:35-39  One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:  36  "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"  37  Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'  38  This is the first and greatest commandment.  

39  And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

f.    I was standing on the very precipice of the pit of Hell until someone loved me enough to tell me about Jesus.

g.  I love my Lord! I love the fact that He saved me!

h.  I should love others enough to share Jesus with them.

III.          Who do you know that needs Jesus?

a.  In the bulletin is a sheet that has ten blanks.

b.  Write down 10 names of people you know that need Jesus.

c.   If you don’t know their name, use a descriptor … the man at the gas station… the waitress at the restaurant.

d.  If you can’t come up with 10 people, pray that the Holy Spirit will make you more aware of those around you.



Penn Jillette, of Penn and Teller,  is  well known as an atheist. He shared that a fan approached him after and politely gave him a New Testament and encouraged him to read it. Penn thanked him for caring enough to share his belief with him. Penn said "I don't respect people who don't (share their faith)," Jillette said, "I don't respect that at all. "If you believe that there is a Heaven and a Hell, and people could be going to Hell ... and you think it's not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward, ... how much do you have to hate somebody to (not warn them about that eternity)? "How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? I mean, if I believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that a truck was coming at you and you didn't believe it, ... there's a certain point where I tackle you, and [everlasting life] is more important than that."

IV.         Who is Your One?

John 1:45  Philip found Nathanael and told him, "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

a.  Let’s make it real!

b.  As you read over your list of ten names pray for God to show you, for God to single out one name.

c.   That one name is your one!

d.  Commit to pray five times per day for that one person asking that the Holy Spirit would begin making a way for that One to come to Christ!

e.   Example … (Morning, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bed time…)

f.    That’s a lot?

g.   … remember you are praying to snatch them from Satan’s claws … from the very pit of Hell!

h.  Sometimes God will send you to carry the message of salvation. Sometimes it will be someone else.

i.     You mat not even know that it is happening.


I prayed for years for my father to come to Christ. I never saw an answer to that prayer. What I found out after my mother passed away, my father with our blessing began dating another lady. Beverly, seemed as though she was becoming part of our family. They began talking about marriage. At Christmas time my father had a heart attack and died. What I didn’t know until after his death. He had started occasionally attending church with Beverly.

Romans 10:13-15  for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."  14  How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  15  And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"


Transformation took place in my life when I met Christ…. Yes I came to Him and my heart had a new song!

I realized I was a mess and that I needed help.  I found that He would take me:

Just as I am.. Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee

I then understood I was loved and I said:

I Surrender All…I surrender all… all to thee my blessed savior I surrender all.

I knew at that point that I could give it all over to him because:

Jesus Paid it All...all to him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, but He washed it white as snow

In this cleansing that I found mercy:

At the Cross ………….at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away..it was there by faith I received my sight!

That moment I experienced something for the first time it was:

Amazing Grace.. how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…I once was lost but now I am found was blind but now I see!!

I now had new life! It wasn’t because of me or my abilities, it was because of the cross, therefore I will:

So I'll cherish the old rugged cross..till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown.

That cross was exciting because it have me hope and security to say:

Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine…oh what a foretaste of Glory Divine…This is my story this is my song!

This story and song helps me to know that:

On Christ the Solid rock I stand ..all other ground is sinking sand

Because my feet are on solid ground my heart declares:

How Great Thou Art….then sings my soul my savior God to thee, how great thou art

I have to understand though that in good times and bad He is good and that I will always cry out:

I Need Thee Every Hour…oh Gracious Lord..I need thee oh I need thee, every hour oh bless me now my savior I come to thee

And in those difficult moments I claim that He is my:

Rock of Ages…cleft for me, let me hide thyself in thee!

Because when I have him to hide and shield my self it truly is:

Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus…just to take Him at His word just to rest upon his promise,  and to know, "Thus saith the Lord."

And when the Lord says it and I trust it my heart sings:

It is Well…Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control,

that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,and hath shed his own blood for my soul. It is well with my soul

Why can my heart sing this because:

Great Is Thy Faithfulness… Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"

             Morning by morning new mercies I see;All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—

              "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!

and in His faithfulness is the promise that

He Lives, He lives…Christ Jesus lives today…he walks with me and talks with me along lifes narrow way, he lives he lives, salvation to impart, you ask me how I know he lives, he lives within my heart


Because He lives….I can face tomorrow ..because He lives, all fear is gone and I know he holds the future and life is worth the living just because he lives

Oh yes he lives in me because on that day of transformation in my life:

He touched me…oh he touched me, and oh the joy that floods my soul..something happened and now I  know he touched me and made me whole..

And because the King of Kings touched me I know without a doubt:

When the Roll is called up yonder I will be there!

Oh did you hear me? I want you to know today that you better get your heart ready because:

The King is coming… the King is coming, I just heard the trumpet sounding and soon His face I'll see

 The King is coming, the King is coming  Praise God, He's coming for me


And one day soon:

I’ll fly away… oh Glory, I’ll fly away… when I die halleluiah by and by, I’ll fly away!

And I will stand next to the heavenly choir of angels, and all those faithful men and women of God who have gone before me and with one voice we will glorify our Lord together singing:


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty.. Holy, holy, holy!  Lord God Almighty!

             All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea.

             Holy, holy, holy!  Merciful and mighty,

             God in three persons, blessed Trinity.


Brothers and sisters, let seize the moment God has given us with the great reality that He must show up! With the opportunity to meet Him fresh and anew this day, with desperation for Him to work in our life and to make the decision to allow Him to transform our hearts, our lives, our priorities, and our purpose




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