Each week over 110 million
people go to church somewhere in America. Let me put that into perspective. If
you take all the people who have ever gone to a basketball game, ever gone to a
football game, ever gone to a baseball game, tennis match, or any public
sporting event and you added them all up in a single year, that would not equal
the number of people who go to church on a single weekend. More people will be
in church this weekend than will go to all the sporting events combined in
America in an entire year.
Yet many of those people they have
no idea why they attend church.
Some of them go out of tradition.
Some of them go out of guilt.
Some of them go out of habit.
Why we do what we do?
Why would we all get out of bed this
morning and come to church? What purpose do we do this for?
1 Corinthians
3:1-11 Brothers and sisters, I could not
address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still
worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you
milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still
not ready. 3 You are still
worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not
worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? 4
For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow
Apollos," are you not mere human beings? 5
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you
came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task.
6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making
it grow. 7 So neither the one
who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things
grow. 8 The one who plants and
the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according
to their own labor. 9 For we are
co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building. 10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a
foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one
should build with care. 11 For
no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus
The Bible says that God created the church to help people
fulfill His five purposes for their lives.
God Created Us to Worship Him!
Worship is simply building your life around God.
He put you here for His benefit.You exist for God not vice
God wants to be the hub of your
heart, the axis of your existence, the core of your being, the focus of your
attention. He wants to be the center of your life.
Anytime God is the center of your life you are worshipping God.
How do you know if God is really
at the center of your life? You stop worrying. Worry is the warning
light that God’s not at the center of your life. You will either be
worshipping or worrying. When God is not the center of
your life -- when anything else, your career becomes the center of
your life, your family becomes the center of your life, your money becomes the center, any
time anything
God takes the center place in your life you’re going to be prone to worry … anxiety.
Prone to fear. Prone to worry. So every time you start worrying,
it’s just a little sign that at that particular moment God is not the center of
your life.
Matthew 22:37 "Love the
Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind. This is the first and
greatest commandment."
God put you on earth so you could have a relationship to Him.
Unfortunately many people go all
through life and never get that relationship to God and they miss the first
purpose of life.
Whenever you focus on God, whenever you put Him at the center of
your life that’s called worship.
What do I have to do to worship?
In the Bible there’s only one requirement for genuine worship. Jesus said, "True
worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For they are the
kind of worshippers the Father seeks."
God is looking for people who want a relationship with Him?
Worship is not just for
weekends. Worship is every day. Learn to put Him at the center of your life
everyday of your life.
Psalm 27:4 "The thing I
seek most of all is the privilege of meditating in His temple, living in His
presence, every day of my life
and delighting in His incomparable perfections and glory."
That’s worship. Putting God at the center of your life every
God Created Us to
Fellowship together!
God wants to help connect you with other believers through
Fellowship is learning to love other people in God’s family.
1 Peter "God has given us
the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God’s very own
The Bible says God is love. So He
wanted a family and He created us. You want to know why you’re
alive? God made you to be a part of His family.
God wants you to learn to love. Why? Because God is love.
The most important lesson you
can learn in life is learning to love God. The second most important lesson
you can learn in life is learning to love other people in God’s family. God says I didn’t put you on
earth to live an isolated, insolated life. Kind of a solo act. I put you on
earth to practice loving other people in the family of God. So you’ll be ready
for heaven.
That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth."
Have you ever seen a building in
an earthquake. If you don’t have a good support and a good foundation when the
earthquake comes your home is going to crash. It’s going to crack up and fall
apart. I’m no mind reader. I’m no fortuneteller. I can’t predict the
future. But I can tell you this about your life. You’re
going to have some earthquakes in the future. Personal earthquakes. You’re
going to have some health earthquakes that rock your life. You’re going to have
some financial earthquakes that are going to rock your life. You’re going to have
some relational and emotional and moral earthquakes that rock your life. And if
you don’t have the support and foundation of the truth you’re going to crack
What is the support and
foundation? It says it’s fellowship in God’s family. It’s the church.
To be healthy and balanced in the Christian life you have to
have both relationships and you have to have truth in your life.
Notice how God wants us to connect with other believers.
Acts 2:41-47 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three
thousand were added to their number that day. 42
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the
breaking of bread and to prayer. 43
Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the
apostles. 44 All the believers
were together and had everything in common. 45
They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together
in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with
glad and sincere hearts, 47
praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added
to their number daily those who were being saved.
Notice … "They worshipped together regularly in the temple
You need fellowship.
Notice the order of Acts 2.
First it says they believed.
Then they were baptized.
They were part of a church family.
Four, they committed to regular worship.
And five, they connected to a group of friends for fellowship.
Romans 12:5 "We belong to each other and each of us
needs all the others."
God Created Us for Discipleship!
Discipleship is just the Bible word for growing up.
It is the process of growing to spiritual maturity, becoming a
God doesn’t want you to stay a
spiritual baby. He wants you to grow up.
By knowing His word.
By trusting His wisdom.
By obeying His commands.
By developing His character.
God wants you to grow up. A lot of people are saved but they’re
They’re stuck in perpetual immaturity.
How do you know when you are spiritually mature?
The primary ways you know when you’re growing and mature is you
start passing it on to other people.
It’s the ability to reproduce.
Hebrews 5:16 "By now
you should be teachers. Instead you still need someone to teach you."
Maturity is not an end in itself. Maturity is for ministry.
We’re called to teach a friend
who needs some advice. We’ re called to teach a brother, a sister, a loved one, a parent. Sometimes called to
teach our children, a co-worker, one on one. Every Christian is called to grow
to the point that they can pass on what they know to others.
God Created Us for Ministry.
Ministry is something everybody’s called to do.
It just means using your gifts and abilities to help other people in
God didn’t put you on this earth just to take up space, just to
use resources, party and die.
He put you here to make a contribution with your life.
You’re to leave this place a better place because of you. That’s
called ministry.
God wants you to practice that here on earth because you’re
going to do that in heaven.
In heaven for eternity you’re
going to do four things. You’re going to love God -- worship.
going to love the other people there -- fellowship. You’re going to grow
spiritually. And you’re going to serve God. And God says I want you to
practice on earth before you get there. In fact, the Bible says that your
reward in heaven and your responsibility in heaven is going to be based on how
well you serve here. Jesus said if you’re faithful in little things then I’m going to
give you greater responsibility and greater reward in heaven.
One day God’s going to ask you this question. "What did
you do with what I gave you?"
Some people go all through life
basically living the selfish life. They never do anything except for money. Is
there anything you’re doing in your life that you’re doing totally unselfishly? You’re serving the
needs of our community, the church or something and you get nothing back from
it. You get no reward. You get no money. You’re just doing it out of a
servant’s serving heart.
God says I want you to learn how to serve others.
1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to
serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
If you were to take tennis lessons, they would
tell you that you need to practice your serve. That’s why you’re here
on earth. God wants you to practice your serve so you’re ready for eternity. Practice serving. Jesus said, if you want
to be great learn to be the minister of all. Learn to be the servant of all.
The Bible says that everybody is a minister. If you know the
Lord, you are a minister.
I read a study the other day
that said one-half of all the men in New York die within two years of
retirement. Why? Because we weren’t made for 24-hour a day leisure. If the
whole goal of your life is just to retire, you are missing the point of life.
Let me give you a word I want you to write down. It’s very
important for this purpose in your life. It’s the word "whatever." What you say to
God is, "God, I don’t know what You want me to do but whatever You want me
to do, I’ll do it. Whatever."
God Created Us For Evangelism.
What does that mean? Evangelism.
That means "sharing good news." That’s all it means.
Here’s the good news: you’re not an accident. Here’s the good news: you were made to last
forever. Here’s the good news God has a purpose for your life. Here’s the good news: no matter what you’ve done Jesus
Christ will forgive you because He’s paid for it on the cross. God has a purpose for
your life. He has a plan and a place for you in heaven. He wants to forgive all
your sins. That’s good news. And everybody needs to hear it.
God says is I want you to pass it on.
There are only two things you
can’t do in heaven. One of them is sin. And the other is tell people who haven’t
heard the good news. Now which of those two do you think God leaves you here on earth
to do?
He doesn’t leave you here to sin.
He leaves you here on earth for one
purpose, the reason you’re still alive is this. He
wants you to tell others. He wants you to pass it on. If you don’t
share the good news why should God leave you here on earth?
2 Corinthians 5 "God has
done it all. He sent Christ to make peace between Himself and us and He’s given
us the work of making peace between Himself and others. What that means is God
was in Christ offering peace and forgiveness to the people of this world. Now
He’s given us the work of sharing His message about peace."
Is anybody going to be in heaven because of you?
Tell somebody.
The greatest thing you can do for others is tell them about
Jesus Christ.
Tell them that God has a plan and purpose for their lives.
So here’s the question. Who do I know who doesn’t know Jesus?
Start praying for them and invite them to church. Ask God to give you the
opportunity to share your story.
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